Milestone-Proposal talk:Color Plasma Display

From IEEE Milestones Wiki

Advocates and reviewers will post their comments below. In addition, any IEEE member can sign in with their ETHW login (different from IEEE Single Sign On) and comment on the milestone proposal's accuracy or completeness as a form of public review.

-- Administrator4 (talk) 15:12, 20 December 2024 (UTC)

Advocates’ Checklist

  1. Is the proposal for an achievement rather than for a person? If the citation includes a person's name, have the proposers provided the required justification for inclusion of the person's name?
  2. Was the proposed achievement a significant advance rather than an incremental improvement to an existing technology?
  3. Were there prior or contemporary achievements of a similar nature? If so, have they been properly considered in the background information and in the citation?
  4. Has the achievement truly led to a functioning, useful, or marketable technology?
  5. Is the proposal adequately supported by significant references (minimum of five) such as patents, contemporary newspaper articles, journal articles, or citations to pages in scholarly books? At least one of the references should be from a peer-reviewed scholarly book or journal article. The full text of the material, not just the references, shall be present. If the supporting texts are copyright-encumbered and cannot be posted on the ETHW for intellectual property reasons, the proposers shall email a copy to the History Center so that it can be forwarded to the Advocate. If the Advocate does not consider the supporting references sufficient, the Advocate may ask the proposer(s) for additional ones.
  6. Are the scholarly references sufficiently recent?
  7. Does the proposed citation explain why the achievement was successful and impactful?
  8. Does the proposed citation include important technical aspects of the achievement?
  9. Is the proposed citation readable and understandable by the general public?
  10. Will the citation be read correctly in the future by only using past tense? Does the citation wording avoid statements that read accurately only at the time that the proposal is written?
  11. Does the proposed plaque site fulfill the requirements?
  12. Is the proposal quality comparable to that of IEEE publications?
  13. Are any scientific and technical units correct (e.g., km, mm, hertz, etc.)? Are acronyms correct and properly upper-cased or lower-cased? Are the letters in any acronym explained in the title or the citation?
  14. Are date formats correct as specified in Section 6 of Milestones Program Guidelines? Helpful Hints on Citations, plaque locations
  15. Do the year(s) appearing in the citation fall within the range of the year(s) included at the end of the title?
  16. Note that it is the Advocate's responsibility to confirm that the independent reviewers have no conflict of interest (e.g., that they do not work for a company or a team involved in the achievement being proposed, that they have not published with the proposer(s), and have not worked on a project related to the funding of the achievement). An example of a way to check for this would be to search reviewers' publications on IEEE Xplore.

Independent Expert Reviewers’ Checklist

  1. Is suggested wording of the Plaque Citation accurate?
  2. Is evidence presented in the proposal of sufficient substance and accuracy to support the Plaque Citation?
  3. Does proposed milestone represent a significant technical achievement?
  4. Were there similar or competing achievements? If so, have the proposers adequately described these and their relationship to the achievement being proposed?
  5. Have proposers shown a clear benefit to humanity?

In answering the questions above, the History Committee asks that independent expert reviewers apply a similar level of rigor to that used to peer-review an article, or evaluate a research proposal. Some elaboration is desirable. Of course the Committee would welcome any additional observations that you may have regarding this proposal.

Submission and Approval Log (For staff use only)

Submitted date: 9 January 2025
Advocate approval date: 31 January 2025
History Committee approval date: 15 February 2025
Board of Directors approval date:

Message from Advocate to Proposers -- Tomohiro Hase (talk) 14:37, 9 January 2025 (UTC)

Dear Proposers

I have been appointed by the History Committee as advocate for your proposal. According to the status report, your proposal stay status C1. Then I will start to review process.

Best regards, Dr. Tomohiro Hase, Advocate.

Expert Reviewer's Report_1_Hara uploaded by Advocate -- Tomohiro Hase (talk) 04:19, 10 January 2025 (UTC)

Dear Dr. Hase

I am pleased to respond as follows. Thank you for this valuable opportunity.

(1) Is suggested wording of the Plaque Citation accurate?

Yes; I think the suggested wording is accurate.

(2) Is evidence presented in the proposal of sufficient substance and accuracy to support the Plaque Citation?

Yes; I think the accurate evidences are supported. For example, it is clear that PDPs were released in 1993 in Paper [11] and newspapers [N1] and [N2].

(3) The Citation mentions Tsutae Shinoda, as inventors of the Color Plasma Display. Do you agree with this Citation?

Yes; according to the proposal, especially in "Justification of name in citation", it is clear that Tsutae Shinoda made the color plasma display panel (PDP) practical first in the world. I agree with the Citation for the following reason: The color PDP was developed overcoming numerous challenges based on his steady efforts and his essential technologies. At that time, CRT was the main display device of television. As screens became larger with better image quality, the new display devices such as LCDs and PDPs were needed with the flat shape and light weight. Now, the main display device of television is LCD, however the PDP was suitable for larger size than LCD. The passionate efforts of Tsutae Shinoda realized the larger size of PDP, also inspired the development of larger size of LCD and contributed to expand the market of large-screen TVs. Like this, his efforts and achievements had a big impact on the large-screen TVs industry worldwide and I consent to the inclusion of his name in the citation.

(4) Does proposed milestone represent a significant technical achievement?

Yes; the proposed milestone represents not only the first product in 1993 with the innovative technology, but also subsequent developments with the innovative technology and impact on society. Moreover, the historical significance, obstacles to be overcome, features of PDP (Advantages and Disadvantages) are well documented.

(5) Were there similar or competing achievements? If so, have the proposers adequately described these and their relationship to the achievement being proposed?

Yes; CRT and LCD is introduced as competing achievements at that time and described as follows. As for CRT, the size was at most 37” because of vacuum device. As for LCD, the larger size was difficult than PDP. PDP realized the larger size at first and inspired the development of larger size of LCD and contributed to expand the market of large-screen.

(6) Have proposers shown a clear benefit to humanity?

Thanks to the development of PDP technology, people can now enjoy high image quality television on a large screen.

In conclusion, Color Plasma Display Panel is a valuable technological and historical asset, and I highly recommend it as a worthy IEEE Milestone.

Dr. Zenichiro Hara, IEEE Fellow,

[Advocate’s remarks] Dr. Hara is an expert of display systems. He is a proposer of the IEEE Milestone #185 “Outdoor Large-Scale Color Display System, 1980”.

Expert Reviewer's Report_2_Ohtsuki uploaded by Advocate -- Tomohiro Hase (talk) 07:11, 11 January 2025 (UTC)

Dear Dr. Tomohiro Hase, January 11, 2025

Here is the answer for IEEE milestone color Plasma Display.

1) Is suggested wording of the Plaque Citation accurate?

Yes. Suggested wording of the Plaque Citation is accurate.

2) Is evidence presented in the proposal of sufficient substance and accuracy to support the Plaque Citation?

Yes. Evidence of sufficient substance and accuracy is presented in the proposal to support the Plaque Citation. According to the "Justification of name in citation", the history of color PDP development is clearly explained and showed the contribution of Fujitsu and Shinoda. The papers [17,13] shows the development of 21-in. and 42-in. color PDPs and [N1], [N2] clearly supports the first color PDP was born in 1993.

3) The Citation mentions Tsutae Shinoda, as inventors of the Color Plasma Display. Do you agree with this Citation?

Yes. The Citation mentions Tsutae Shinoda, as inventors of the Color Plasma Display. I agree with this Citation. He invented the basic technologies on color PDP [P1],[P2] and [P3], and developed the technologies to the practical levels. He led a team to realize color PDP for practical use and finally succeeded to commercialize the 21-in.-color PDP and 42-in.-color PDP first in the world[N1],[N2]. These are supported by the materials [N1],[N2],and[N4]. Without his efforts, the color plasma display was not born. This supported by the sentence " Many research groups including Fujitsu and University of Illinois researched this structure but they stopped the research because they could not overcome the life issue and judged that this is the dead end. Thus, Fujitsu laboratories decided to stop the research on plasma display. However, he investigated the methods for the colorizing PDP.・・・・" after the first six line of Plasma display section in Historical Significance.

4) Does proposed milestone represent a significant technical achievement?

Yes. The proposed milestone represents a significant technical achievement. The contribution of success of color PDP was described as follows. "The success of the world first 21-in.-color PDP in 1993 opened the flat panel TV era [N2]. And also opened the flat panel information board era [N7]. These success of PDP push to replace volumed CRT to Flat panel display. And the success of the 42-in.-color PDP opened the large area flat panel TV era also. " "Thus, the current market for large-screen TVs owes its development to the advent of plasma televisions."

5) Were there similar or competing achievements? If so, have the proposers adequately described these and their relationship to the achievement being proposed?

Yes. There are similar or competing achievements such as CRT and LCD. However, the proposers described adequately these and their relationship to the achievement being proposed as follows. " In the 1990s, CRTs with a 37" cathode ray tube were released as large displays, marking the maximum practical size for CRT technology. Consequently, there was a race to develop VFDs, LCDs, and other large-scale displays to replace CRTs." "By 1996, a 42-inch color PDP TV was released This marked the debut of large-screen flat TVs over 40 inches with PDP technology. Observing the growth of the PDP color TV market, LCD technology was further developed to create large-screen TVs. In 2000, the company released its first 30-inch widescreen LCD TV, followed by a 45-inch model in 2003. During this period, plasma TVs established a new market for larger TVs, which LCDs began to follow."

6) Have proposers shown a clear benefit to humanity?

Yes. Proposers have shown a clear benefit to humanity. This technology opens a large area display market shown as follows. The success of the world first 21-in.-color PDP opened the flat panel TV era [N2]. And also opened the flat panel information board [N7]. By these application replaced volumed CRT to Flat panel display. And the success of the 42-in.-color PDP opened the large area flat panel TV era. LCD followed the PDP success in large area flat panel TV and joined the market. Thus, the current market for large-screen TVs owes its development to the advent of plasma televisions.

In Conclusion, PDP gained popularity throughout the 2010s as large TVs for home use and monitor for personal computers. Color Plasma Display is valuable as a technological and historical property. I recommend this propose strongly as a candidacy of IEEE Milestone.

Dr. Osamu Ohtsuki

Professor Emeritus, Department of Materials Science and Chemistry, Faculty of Systems Engineering, Wakayama University

Expert Reviewer's Report_3_Mikoshiba uploaded by Advocate -- Tomohiro Hase (talk) 06:49, 13 January 2025 (UTC)

Dear Dr. Hase

Here is your request.

(1) Is suggested wording of the Plaque Citation accurate?

Yes, the suggested wording of the Plaque Citation is accurate.

(2) Is evidence presented in the proposal of sufficient substance and accuracy to support the Plaque Citation?

Yes, the evidence presented is of sufficient substance and accuracy to support the Citation. Figures 1 and 4 explain his technology well.

(3) The Citation mentions Tsutae Shinoda, as inventors of the Color Plasma Display. Do you agree with this Citation?

Yes, Tsutae Shinoda is the most important inventor of the Color Plasma Display which his team developed. I can guarantee this because I was also developing plasma display panels for many years, but at a different company (Hitachi).

(4) Does proposed milestone represent a significant technical achievement?

Yes, the proposed milestone indeed represents significant technical achievements. This can be found especially from the Key Papers [7] and [13]. Nowadays we can find a lot of large screen flat panel displays in town. But 30 year ago, we had only small (smaller than 30 inches across) cathode ray tube displays. The significant enlargement of the display screen size was initiated by Tsutae Shonoda. His idea is now succeeded by liquid crystal displays.

(5) Were there similar or competing achievements? If so, have the proposers adequately described these and their relationship to the achievement being proposed?

No, there were no similar or competing achievements. Although many companies tried to realize the similar target, Tsutae Shonoda’s accomplishments are exceedingly the best. Also adequate patents were provided for his technolology.

(6) Have proposers shown a clear benefit to humanity?

Yes, the milestone definitely shows a clear benefit to humanity. As described above, we find a lot of large screen flat panel displays in town. With an idea of enlarging the size of the displays promoted by Tsutae Shonoda, most of the present-day home TVs became large, providing better viewability. Also various large screen information displays as can be found at train stations, department stores, etc. are now targeting a larger number of viewers with much more amount of contents.

In conclusion, I would like to strongly recommend “Color Plasma Display” as the IEEE Milestone. This milestone indeed shows the technological as well as historical values.

Reviewer: Dr. Shigeo Mikoshiba, Prof. Emeritus, The University of Electro Communications, Tokyo, Japan.

[Advocate’s remarks] Prof. Mikoshiba is 2004-2006 President of the Society for Information Display.

Expert Reviewer's Report_4_Tolner uploaded by Advocate -- Tomohiro Hase (talk) 09:04, 15 January 2025 (UTC)

Dear Prof. Hase

I fully agree with the milestone proposal and approve it as an IEEE Milestone. The invention and further advancement of the Plasma Color Display by Shinoda-san was of great importance. Also the way he shared his knowhow with experts in different companies and through the Plasma Display Standardization Committe was of great importance

Here are the answers on the questions posed by you:

1) Is suggested wording of the Plaque Citation accurate? YES

2) Is evidence presented in the proposal of sufficient substance and accuracy to support the Plaque Citation? YES

3) The Citation mentions Tsutae Shinoda, as inventors of the Color Plasma Display. Do you agree with this Citation? YES

4) Does proposed milestone represent a significant technical achievement?YES

5) Were there similar or competing achievements? If so, have the proposers adequately described these and their relationship to the achievement being proposed? YES

6) Have proposers shown a clear benefit to humanity? YES, Absolutely

Best wishes, and thank you for organizing this review

Harm Tolner

Former Plasma TV R&D Manager at Philips BV, Eindhoven

[Advocate's remarks] Dr. Tolner is an expert of Plasma Display at Philips, Netherlands.

Expert Reviewer's Report_5_Ohsawa uploaded by Advocate -- Tomohiro Hase (talk) 06:03, 17 January 2025 (UTC)

Dear Dr. Tomohiro Hase

The answer for IEEE Milestone Color Plasma Display is:

1) Is the proposed nameplate citation wording accurate?

  I think the suggested wording is accurate.

2) Is the evidence presented in the proposal of sufficient substance and accuracy to support the award?

   I think the accurate evidences are supported. For example,
    (a) Paper [17] ,  [13] The history of color Color Plasma Display (PDP) development is clearly described, and the contributions of Fujitsu and Dr. Tsutae Shinoda are clear.
    (b) Paper [17] is 21 inches, papers [13] announced the development of a 42-inch color PDP.
    (c) Newspaper articles [N1] and [N2] reported the birth of the first color PDP in 1993.

3) The cited document mentions the name of Dr. Thutae Shinoda as the inventor of color plasma display.

   Do you agree with this citation?
   The cited document mentions the name of Dr. Tsutae Shinoda as the inventor of color plasma displays. I also agree with this quote.
   Dr. Shinoda invented the basic technology for color PDPs ( patent documents [P1], [P2], [P3]) and developed technology to bring that technology to a practical level ([1], [3], [4], [7], [13],[20])。
   Dr. Shinoda is the essential leader of the team aiming to commercialize color PDPs, and has solved many problems and they developed the world's first 21-inch color PDP [17] and 42-inch color PDP [13], and subsequently succeeded in commercializing them.
   These are supported by newspaper articles such as [N1], [N2], and [N4]. "Many research groups, including Fujitsu and the University of Illinois, have studied this structure, but they were unable to overcome longevity issues, ultimately leading to the discontinuation of research. Furthermore, Fujitsu Laboratories also discontinued plasma display research.  However, he searched for technology to put color PDP into practical use,   and it is clear that this would not have been possible without Dr. Shinoda's tireless efforts to develop practical technology. 
   In particular, the development of the three-electrode surface discharge method ([17], [13]) has made it possible to extend the lifespan and increase brightness, as well as to utilize the wall charge accumulated in the electrodes, reducing discharge voltage and increasing drive speed.  It has come true. In addition, the use of newly developed protective layer (MgO) [23], [29], [30] has extended the life of the electrode and further reduced the discharge voltage by increasing the amount of secondary electron emission.  In addition, new panel structure [P2],[6] through the development of this technology, we achieved significantly higher brightness and achieved the necessary conditions for commercialization.  In addition, by stabilizing the discharge and increasing the speed of driving achieved by the three-electrode surface discharge structure, Dr. Shinoda devised a new driving method (ADS) [P3],[20] .  Using the developed drive technology, he has established the basis of technology that enables stable natural image gradation display (256 gray scale, 256X256X256 colors), which is essential for many displays including televisions, and has met the necessary and sufficient conditions for commercialization. 

4) Do the proposed milestones represent significant technical achievements?

  The proposed milestones represent significant technical achievements. The success contribution of color PDPs is explained as follows.  “The success of the world's first 21-inch color PDP in 1993 ushered in the era of flat panel televisions [N2].   It also ushered in the era of flat panel information boards [N7], and large CRTs were replaced by flat panel displays. The success of the 42-inch color PDP also ushered in the era of large-screen flat-panel televisions.”   Thus, the development of the current large-screen television market is due to the advent of PDP television”.

5) Were there similar or competing results? If so, did the proponent adequately explain those results and their relationship to the proposed outcome?

   Similar or competing efforts exist, such as CRT and LCD. However, the proponent adequately explains the relationship between these and the proposed outcome as follows:
 “In the 1990s,  37-inch CRTs were released as large displays, marking the largest practical size for CRT technology.  CRTs are bulky and very heavy, therefore the realization of large area display had been impossible. This has led to a race to develop larger screen displays that can be made thinner and use elements such as VFDs and LCDs to replace CRTs.
 "By 1996, the 42-inch color PDP television was released. This was the debut of large screen flat televisions over 40 inches with PDP technology.   Faced with the growth of the PDP color television market,  LCD The development of large-size technology was promoted at a rapid pace, and in 2000, the first 30-inch wide-screen LCD TV was commercialized, and in 2003 a 45-inch model followed in 2013.  During this time, plasma TVs established a new market for large flat-screen TVs, and LCDs began to follow suit.

6) Has the proposer shown a clear benefit to humanity?

   The proposer has brought a clear benefit to humanity.  This technology has opened up the market for thin and large screen displays as shown below. The era of flat panel televisions began with the successful commercialization of the world's first 21-inch color PDP [N2].  Then, the market for flat panel information displays began to expand rapidly [N7].   With these developments, large depth CRT displays were replaced by flat panel displays.  With the success of commercializing an even larger screen, the 42-inch color PDP, the era of thin, large screens began in the television world.  LCDs have entered the market following the success of PDPs in large screen flat panel televisions.  At this point, CRT-based displays began to be completely replaced by flat panel displays, regardless of their format.  Furthermore, at present we have successfully commercialized large-screen TVs of 50 inches or more using OLED ( Organic Light Emitting Diode) panels.  In this way, the spread of large-screen flat panel displays in homes has not only completely changed the form of living rooms surrounding televisions, but also changed the traditional display market.  The development of the large-screen flat panel display market and the  many technologies that supported it are due to the advent of color PDPs and their larger screens.

In conclusion, color PDPs became popular throughout the 2010s as monitors for displaying information on large home TVs, computers, and many other information displays. The first 21-inch color PDP to be put into practical use is not only valuable as a technical and historical asset, but also a pioneer in realizing thin, large screens for displays including home televisions, and changing the traditional lifestyle surrounding televisions. It is clear that this was the driving force behind the change.

Color Plasma Display Panel is a valuable technological and historical asset, and I highly recommend it as a worthy IEEE Milestone.

Michitaka Ohsawa

[Advocate's remarks] Mr. Ohsawa is an expert of Display Systems at Hitachi, Ltd.

Expert Reviewer's Report_6_Nunomura uploaded by Advocate -- Tomohiro Hase (talk) 05:40, 18 January 2025 (UTC)

Review for IEEE Milestone Proposal of Color Plasma Display

Keiji Nunomura (NEC retired)

I give the comments regarding the IIEEE Milestone Proposal of Color Plasma Display:

(1) Is suggested wording of the Plaque Citation accurate?

Yes, The description on the plaque is accurate.

(2) Is evidence presented in the proposal of sufficient substance and accuracy to support the Plaque Citation?

Yes. I confirm that the presented evidence is correct.

A lot of color PDP research, which utilize plasma generation and phosphors to display color moving images, has been progressing since the 1970s, primarily on DC types, but none of these have achieved practical performance and sufficient life. Fujitsu, led by Shinoda, took on the challenge of realizing color display with AC PDPs and developed important basic technologies. In particular, the three-electrode structure, reflective structure, and address display separate drive method are essential, and Fujitsu obtained these patents P1, P2, and P3. In 1993, Fujitsu successfully commercialized a 21-inch color PDP, which was adopted in large quantities by the New York Stock Exchange, garnering attention. Although the 21-inch PDP was not a large screen, the simple panel structure made it suitable for large screen, and it attracted attention as a best way to realize large-screen high definition TVs. Many companies rapidly advanced the development and commercialization of color PDPs. The three basic technologies mentioned above were adopted by every companies as a essential methods. Shinoda's PDP technologies development and Fujitsu's commercialization of the 21-inch PDP were epoch-making achievements as the subsequent active development of large-screen displays.

(3) The Citation mentions Tsutae Shinoda, as inventors of the Color Plasma Display. Do you agree with this Citation?

Dr. Shinoda's achievements on color PDP technology development are very significant and essential , therefore I agree with the Citation, and it is appropriate that his name is included on the Plaque.

(4) Does proposed milestone represent a significant technical achievement?

CRTs are bulky and very heavy, therefore the realization of large area display had been impossible. A lot of researchers and engineers had tried to realize flat full-color display by developing various display device technologies, but any developed devices have not been able to put them to practical use. The AC type color PDP technology developed by Dr. Shinoda strongly showed the possibility realizing practical flat full-color display. The release of the 21-inch color PDP by Fujitsu in 1993 attracted much attention in the display industry, and PDP was widely understood as the leading devise of large-screen display. After that, Japanese and Korean manufacturers produced large-screen PDP TVs and shipped them around the world. After a decade or so, the position of large-screen flat display was overtaken by color LCDs and organic EL displays. The PDP has finished its role. However it is highly regarded that Dr. Shinoda's contribution on PDP’s technological development and 21” color PDP had initiated the today's large-screen flat displays era.

(5) Were there similar or competing achievements? If so, have the proposers adequately described these and their relationship to the achievement being proposed.

Regarding comparisons with similar technologies, I think it is better to include a description of NHK's DC-type color PDP, which was researched for Hi-vision TV. The DC type succeeded in displaying color televisions in laboratory, however its display performance and reliability could not be improved and it was not commercialized .

The technology most similar to the color PDP applied for as a IEEE milestone is the color DC PDP. Color DC PDPs have been actively researched both in Japan and overseas since the 1970s. They are devices that use plasma generated by direct current discharge and phosphors. Because they use direct current discharge with electrodes directly exposed to the discharge space, they require complex technologies such as the addition of tiny resistance elements and delicate pulse memory drive, and problems with brightness and lifespan were not resolved. NHK, which was actively continuing research toward a high-definition television, also succeeded in displaying color in its laboratory, but the display performance and reliability did not improve, and they did not reach the point of commercialization. The comparison with DC-type PDPs is described in the historical background section of the application.

(6) Have proposers shown a clear benefit to humanity?

As described in the "Historical Significance" and "The impact to the display industry" of the application, a few years after Fujitsu's release of the 21-inch model, color PDPs of 40 inches or more were developed, and many companies began releasing widescreen TVs. This coincided with the start of digital high-definition televisions, and the domestic and international markets of large-screen plasma TVs expanded rapidly. From the second half of the 2000s, color TFT-LCDs rapidly improved display area and display quality. PDPs lost their competitiveness in terms of resolution, power consumption, and price, and by the 2010s had completely ceded their place as large-screen displays to LCDs.

Although the color PDP has come to an end in a rare and turbulent life, the epoch-making achievement of the 21-inch PDP, which replaced the CRT, which had held an unshakable position since the invention of the television, and realized people's long-held dream of a slim, wall-mounted television, will be celebrated for its future achievements.

In conclusion, I agree that the successful commercialization of color PDPs in 1993 and Dr.Shinoda’s contribution for PDP technology development should be recognized as an IEEE Milestone.

[Advocate's Remarks] Mr. Nunomura is an expert of Plasma Display at NEC corp.

Expert Reviewer's Report_7_Kim uploaded by Advocate -- Tomohiro Hase (talk) 02:52, 26 January 2025 (UTC)

Dear Dr. Hase-san,

I have included my report below regarding your inquiry about the Milestone of Color Plasma.

1) Is suggested wording of the Plaque Citation accurate?

Yes. Dr. Shinoda was the main force in developing Color Plasma Panel

2) Is evidence presented in the proposal of sufficient substance and accuracy to support the Plaque Citation?

Yes. The publications, patents, awards, and newspaper articles all support the citation.

3) The Citation mentions Tsutae Shinoda, as inventors of the Color Plasma Display. Do you agree with this Citation?

Yes. Dr. Shinoda has been credited as the main inventor in the PDP research community as well as the information display industry community. He was the recipient of the Braun Prize winner of the Society for Information Display(SID), which is the highest honor in the society.

4) Does proposed milestone represent a significant technical achievement?

Yes. The achievements by Dr. Shinoda paved the way for the commercial production of color plasma.

5) Were there similar or competing achievements? If so, have the proposers adequately described these and their relationship to the achievement being proposed?

No. There is nothing similar.

6) Have proposers shown a clear benefit to humanity?

Yes. The proposer indicated that Dr. Shinoda's achievements have opened the era of wall-hanging information displays, which benefited humanity in living style and accelerated the development of knowledge base-society.

PDP, or Plasma Display Panels, have now become a thing of the past. However, through their competition with LCDs, PDP played a leading role in driving the large-screen, high-definition, and popular flat-panel display industry we enjoy today. Dr. Shinoda's achievements in Color PDP, which laid the foundation for this competition, are significant enough to be considered a milestone. Therefore, I strongly recommend Dr. Shinoda's achievements for the IEEE Milestone.

Please let me know if you need further information. Best Regards

Dr. Yong-Seog Kim(金容奭)

Head, FIVid Research Initiatives. Prof. of Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, Hongik University, Seoul, Korea

[Advocate's remarks] Prof. Kim is the 2016-2018 President of the Society for Information Display,

Expert Reviewer's Report_8_Yan uploaded by Advocate -- Tomohiro Hase (talk) 03:39, 27 January 2025 (UTC)

Dear Hase-san,

It is my great pleasure to review this proposal. I will give my opinion under your questions as following:

1) Is suggested wording of the Plaque Citation accurate?


2) Is evidence presented in the proposal of sufficient substance and accuracy to support the Plaque Citation?


3) The Citation mentions Tsutae Shinoda, as inventors of the Color Plasma Display. Do you agree with this Citation?

Yes, I agree Shinoda-san is one of the most important inventor of the Color Plasma Display technology. Another independent inventor is Dr. Larry Weber, CEO of Plasmaco, later Plasmaco was acquired by Panasonic, which led mass production of PDP TV.

4) Does proposed milestone represent a significant technical achievement?


5) Were there similar or competing achievements? If so, have the proposers adequately described these and their relationship to the achievement being proposed?

Yes, Shinoda-san and his team was the leading inventor of color PDP, Dr. Larry Weber and his team at Plasmaco also made significant contribution at developing similar PDP technology, specially in high contrast ratio driving scheme which is critical for TV application. There was the big reason Panasonic acquired Plasmaco and made a successful business of PDP TV business.

6) Have proposers shown a clear benefit to humanity?


Hope these answers give a very favorable recommendation for this proposal. I fully support the proposal.

Best regards,


Qun (Frank) Yan, Ph.D. Distinguished Professor, Fuzhou University. Fellow, Society for Information Display (SID). Director, SID Beijing Chapter. CEO,SID China. President Elect, SID.

[Advocate's remarks] Prof. Yan is the Prsident-elect of the Society for Information Display.

Expert Reviewer's Report_9_Weber uploaded by Advocate -- Tomohiro Hase (talk) 01:13, 31 January 2025 (UTC)

Dear Dr. Hase,

Please find my attached review of the IEEE History Committee Proposal #2024-36.

Media:IEEE Milestone Proposal Larry F Weber Review.pdf

I very much enjoyed this review process since I got to again see the many papers of Dr. Shinoda that I know so well from my younger days.

Please feel free to contact me if the Committee has any further questions.

Thanks for volunteering for this very worthy effort to promote the history of electronics.

Best regards,

Larry F. Weber IEEE Life Fellow

[Advocate's remarks] Prof. Weber has been selected to receive the prestigious Society for Information Display (SID) Karl Ferdinand Braun Prize. The award was presented to Dr. Weber on May 15, at the 2000 SID International Symposium. Dr. Weber is receiving the award “For pioneering contributions to Plasma Display Panel technology and its commercialization”.

Advocate’s Recommendation_Milestone #2024-36 -- Tomohiro Hase (talk) 01:33, 31 January 2025 (UTC)

Advocate's Recommendation for the IEEE Milestone #2024-36 “Color Plasma Display Panel, 1993”

January 31, 2025

Dear IEEE History Committee,

I am honored to be an advocate for the Milestone Proposal #2024-36, “Color Plasma Display Panel, 1993”. URL to Proposal: Milestone-Proposal:Color Plasma Display - IEEE Milestones Wiki

(1) Expert Review:

I invited nine independent experts in the field to conduct a detailed technical review of the proposal. I asked the expert reviewers the following six questions:

Q1: Is the suggested wording of the Plaque Citation accurate?

Q2: Is the evidence presented in the proposal of sufficient substance and accuracy to support the Citation?

Q3: The Citation mentions Tsutae Shinoda as the inventor of the Color Plasma Display. Do you agree with this Citation?

Q4: Does the proposed milestone represent a significant technical achievement?

Q5: Were there similar or competing achievements? If so, have the proposers adequately described these and their relationship to the achievement being proposed? Q6: Have the proposers shown a clear benefit to humanity?

I have uploaded the nine Expert Reviewers’ Reports to the ETHW website at the following URL: URL to Expert Reviewer’s Reports:

Based on my reading of the nine Expert Reviewer Reports, I have received positive ratings from all, indicating their agreement with the proposal's appropriateness for the Milestone.

(2) Advocate’s Checklist:

Below is my checklist with responses:

1. Is the proposal for an achievement rather than for a person? If the citation includes a person's name, have the proposers provided the required justification for inclusion of the person's name? <Yes>

2. Was the proposed achievement a significant advance rather than an incremental improvement to existing technology? <Yes>

3. Were there prior or contemporary achievements of a similar nature? If so, have they been properly considered in the background information and the citation? <Yes>

4. Has the achievement truly led to a functioning, useful, or marketable technology? <Yes>

5. Is the proposal adequately supported by significant references (minimum of nine) such as patents, contemporary newspaper articles, journal articles, or citations to pages in scholarly books? At least one reference should be from a peer-reviewed scholarly book or journal article. The full text of the material, not just the references, must be present. If the supporting texts are copyright-encumbered and cannot be posted on the ETHW for intellectual property reasons, the proposers shall email a copy to the History Center so it can be forwarded to the Advocate. If the Advocate does not consider the supporting references sufficient, the Advocate may ask the proposer(s) for additional ones. <Yes>

6. Are the scholarly references sufficiently recent? <Yes>

7. Does the proposed citation explain why the achievement was successful and impactful? <Yes>

8. Does the proposed citation include important technical aspects of the achievement? <Yes>

9. Is the proposed citation readable and understandable by the general public? <Yes>

10. Will the citation be read correctly in the future by only using past tense? Does the citation wording avoid statements that read accurately only at the time the proposal is written? <Yes>

11. Does the proposed plaque site fulfill the requirements? <Yes>

12. Is the proposal quality comparable to that of IEEE publications? <Yes>

13. Are any scientific and technical units correct (e.g., km, mm, hertz, etc.)? Are acronyms correct and properly upper-cased or lower-cased? Are the letters in any acronym explained in the title or the citation? <Yes>

14. Are date formats correct as specified in Section 6 of Milestones Program Guidelines? Helpful Hints on Citations, plaque locations. <Yes>

15. Do the year(s) appearing in the citation fall within the range of the year(s) included at the end of the title? <Yes>

16. Note that it is the Advocate's responsibility to confirm that the independent reviewers have no conflict of interest (e.g., that they do not work for a company or a team involved in the achievement being proposed, that they have not published with the proposer(s), and have not worked on a project related to the funding of the achievement). An example of a way to check for this would be to search reviewers' publications on IEEE Xplore. <Yes>

(3) Advocate’s Comment and Conclusion:

I received satisfactory peer review results from nine experts in the field. Their reports and discussions were very useful for my decision as an advocate for Milestone #2024-36.

1. Citation:

The nine expert reviewers confirmed the citation’s accuracy and that the contents are supported by evidence, as judged by their responses to questions Q1 and Q2. As an advocate, I share the same judgment as the reviewers.

2. Name-in-Citation:

The nine reviewers agreed that including Tsutae Shinoda's name in the citation is appropriate, based on their responses to question Q3. They acknowledged his sole accomplishment in this feat. As an advocate, I concur with their judgment.

3. Technical Significance and Historical Value:

The nine expert reviewers provided detailed reviews of questions Q4 and Q5. They acknowledged the historical significance and great impact of Tsutae Shinoda’s Color Plasma Display Panel. As an advocate, I share their judgment.

4. Benefit to Humanity:

All nine expert reviewers provided positive comments, as judged by their responses to question Q6. I concur with their judgment.

5. Advocate’s Conclusion:

All nine expert reviewers strongly recognized and supported the proposal, deeming it worthy of the IEEE Milestone certification. After careful consideration of both the proposal and the expert reviewers’ reports, I strongly recommend the proposal, #2024-36 “Color Plasma Display Panel, 1993”, for the IEEE Milestone.

Best regards,

Dr. Tomohiro Hase, IEEE Fellow

Advocate for Milestone #2024-36, IEEE History Committee

Suggestions for Title and Citation -- Bberg (talk) 03:53, 31 January 2025 (UTC)

A very nice proposal.

The title of "Color Plasma Display Panel, 1993" should read "Color Plasma Display Panel (PDP) Televisions, 1993" to include the acronym, and the fact that these were used for televisions.

The citation currently reads:

A 21-inch color plasma display (PDP)was commercialized by Fujitsu in 1993. The practical application of color PDPs was made possible by innovative technologies, the three-electrode surface discharge and the Address-Display-Separated grayscale, developed by Tsutae Shinoda. This achievement accelerated the development of large-screen flat panel displays, and made a major contribution to the arrival of the era of large wall-mounted TVs.

I suggest that the citation would read better, and be more readily understandable, with this 66-word citation:

The first practical color plasma display panel (PDP) was a 21-inch model commercialized by Fujitsu in 1993. Critical inventions of Tsutae Shinoda that made this possible included surface discharge with a reflective three-electrode structure, and Address-Display-Separation for full-color video. The success of this product accelerated the development of large-screen flat panel displays, and made a major contribution to the popularity of large wall-mounted television sets worldwide.

Thank you. Brian Berg, 2024 Milestones Subcommittee Chair

Re: Suggestions for Title and Citation -- Tomohiro Hase (talk) 04:36, 31 January 2025 (UTC)

Dear Brian Berg san

Thank you very much. After discussing with the proposers, we will make the necessary adjustments based on your advice.

Best regards, Tomohiro Hase, Advocate for Milestone #2024-36

Re: Re: Suggestions for Title and Citation -- Bberg (talk) 21:32, 31 January 2025 (UTC)

Dear Tomohiro Hase san,

Very good! I am very happy to help.

Brian Berg

Re: Re: Re: Suggestions for Title and Citation -- Amy Bix (talk) 20:30, 20 February 2025 (UTC)
I think this citation can be still tightened up and made more smooth.

Sentence 1: Instead of: "The first practical color plasma display panel (PDP) was a 21-inch model commercialized by Fujitsu in 1993." We could avoid passive voice and say: "In 1993, Fujitsu commercialized the first practical color plasma display panel (PDP), a 21-inch model."

Sentence 2: instead of: "Critical inventions of Tsutae Shinoda that made this possible included surface discharge with a reflective three-electrode structure, and Address-Display-Separation for full-color video." How about a less wordy, less awkward version: Tsutae Shinoda led development of crucial inventions, including surface discharge with a reflective three-electrode structure, and Address-Display-Separation for full-color video."

Sentence 3: instead of: "The success of this product accelerated the development of large-screen flat panel displays, and made a major contribution to the popularity of large wall-mounted television sets worldwide." How about: "Fujitsu's product success inspired further advances in large-screen flat panel displays, increasing worldwide demand for large wall-mounted television sets."

In other words, I propose: "In 1993, Fujitsu commercialized the first practical color plasma display panel (PDP), a 21-inch model. Tsutae Shinoda led development of crucial inventions, including surface discharge with a reflective three-electrode structure, and Address-Display-Separation for full-color video. Fujitsu's product success inspired further advances in large-screen flat panel displays, increasing worldwide demand for large wall-mounted television sets."

Re: Re: Re: Re: Suggestions for Title and Citation -- Kobai (talk) 05:47, 21 February 2025 (UTC)

Dear Amy Bix, Thank you for your opinions and suggestions. Below, I will share my thoughts.

“I think this citation can be still tightened up and made more smooth. Sentence 1: Instead of: ‘The first practical color plasma display panel (PDP) was a 21-inch model commercialized by Fujitsu in 1993.’ We could avoid passive voice and say: ‘In 1993, Fujitsu commercialized the first practical color plasma display panel (PDP), a 21-inch model.’” I agree with changing the sentence from passive to active voice. However, in this citation, "Plasma-TV" is an important term. Therefore, I suggest the following revision: "In 1993, Fujitsu commercialized the first practical color plasma television (Plasma-TV), a 21-inch model."

“Sentence 2: Instead of: ‘Critical inventions of Tsutae Shinoda that made this possible included surface discharge with a reflective three-electrode structure, and Address-Display-Separation for full-color video.’ How about a less wordy, less awkward version: ‘Tsutae Shinoda led development of crucial inventions, including surface discharge with a reflective three-electrode structure, and Address-Display-Separation for full-color video.’” Tsutae Shinoda was the inventor of the key technologies mentioned here and also led the team that successfully developed the 21-inch Plasma-TV. To make this clearer, I suggest the following revision: "Tsutae Shinoda made the crucial invention including surface discharge with a reflective three-electrode structure, and Address-Display-Separation for full-color video and led the development team of the 21-inch Plasma-TV."

“Sentence 3: Instead of: ‘The success of this product accelerated the development of large-screen flat panel displays, and made a major contribution to the popularity of large wall-mounted television sets worldwide.’ How about: ‘Fujitsu’s product success inspired further advances in large-screen flat panel displays, increasing worldwide demand for large wall-mounted television sets.’” The success of the 21-inch Plasma-TV encouraged multiple PDP manufacturers to develop color PDPs, leading to the formation and rapid expansion of the large-screen flat-panel market. Additionally, a few years later, it prompted LCD manufacturers—who at the time were only producing screens 20 inches or smaller—to enter the large-screen market. This means that the 21-inch Plasma-TV played a crucial role in forming the large-screen flat-panel TV market and accelerating its growth. The term “inspired” implies stimulating an already existing market, whereas in this case, a new market was created, making "inspired" inappropriate. Similarly, "demand" refers to market needs, but this development facilitated the creation of a new market for large displays while also promoting the spread of large TVs. Furthermore, this citation aims to highlight the 21-inch model as a milestone, so referring to "Fujitsu's product" in a vague manner is not suitable.

Therefore, I propose the following citation: "In 1993, Fujitsu commercialized the first practical color plasma television (Plasma-TV), a 21-inch model. Tsutae Shinoda made the crucial invention including surface discharge with a reflective three-electrode structure, and Address-Display-Separation for full-color video and led the development team of the Plasma-TV. The success of this product accelerated the development of large-screen flat panel displays, and made a major contribution to the popularity of large wall-mounted television sets worldwide." Sincerely, Proposers

=Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Suggestions for Title and Citation -- Amy Bix (talk) 19:05, 21 February 2025 (UTC)=

Many thanks for the feedback!

For sentence 2, you write, "I suggest the following revision: "Tsutae Shinoda made the crucial invention including surface discharge with a reflective three-electrode structure, and Address-Display-Separation for full-color video and led the development team of the 21-inch Plasma-TV."

I believe you are talking about two inventions here, so this should be plural. To be more concise, there is no need to repeat the title of the project, so how about: "Tsutae Shinoda led the development team and made crucial inventions, including surface discharge with a reflective three-electrode structure, and Address-Display-Separation for full-color video."

For sentence 3, I would not agree with your interpretation of both the words "inspired" and "demand." But how about: "‘Fujitsu’s innovations stimulated further advances in large-screen flat panel displays, opening worldwide markets for large wall-mounted television sets.’”

The citation could then read: "In 1993, Fujitsu commercialized the first practical color plasma television (Plasma-TV), a 21-inch model. Tsutae Shinoda led the development team and made crucial inventions, including surface discharge with a reflective three-electrode structure, and Address-Display-Separation for full-color video. Fujitsu’s innovations stimulated further advances in large-screen flat panel displays, opening worldwide markets for large wall-mounted television sets."

Support of Milestone Proposal -- Jbart64 (talk) 20:38, 21 February 2025 (UTC)

I read the proposal and the discussion. I fully support the proposal. Given the editing, this is my understanding of the most recent citation, which I support. I bracketed a comma for deletion since it is not needed:

In 1993, Fujitsu commercialized the first practical color plasma television (Plasma-TV), a 21-inch model. Tsutae Shinoda led the development team and made crucial inventions, including surface discharge with a reflective three-electrode structure[,] and Address-Display-Separation for full-color video. Fujitsu’s innovations stimulated further advances in large-screen flat panel displays, opening worldwide markets for large wall-mounted television sets.

David Bart

Re: Support of Milestone Proposal -- Tomohiro Hase (talk) 10:49, 22 February 2025 (UTC)

Dear Bart san

As an advocate, I appreciate your support. Thank you very much for pointing up the citation.

Dr. Tomohiro Hase, IEEE Fellow, Advocate.

Re: Re: Support of Milestone Proposal -- Bberg (talk) 23:08, 22 February 2025 (UTC)

I support this citation, with 2 comments: (1) the comma can indeed be removed from the second sentence, and (2) the first sentence would read best by adding "with" and removing the comma, as shown in this 56-word citation:

In 1993, Fujitsu commercialized the first practical color plasma television (Plasma-TV) with a 21-inch model. Tsutae Shinoda led the development team and made crucial inventions, including surface discharge with a reflective three-electrode structure and Address-Display-Separation for full-color video. Fujitsu’s innovations stimulated further advances in large-screen flat panel displays, opening worldwide markets for large wall-mounted television sets.

Brian Berg

Re: Re: Re: Support of Milestone Proposal -- Tomohiro Hase (talk) 14:17, 24 February 2025 (UTC)

Dear Brian Berg san

Thank you very much for your advice.

After obtaining the Proposer's approval tomorrow, we will update it with your Citation.

Best regards, Dr. Tomohiro Hase, advocate.

Proposer's comment on citation -- Kobai (talk) 01:26, 23 February 2025 (UTC)

Dear Amy Box and Dear David Bart

Thank you very much for your discussion. We are still thinking deeply as follows, please find.

We understand that the fundamental idea behind the IEEE Milestone is to identify a historical turning point and recognize it as a Milestone if it has maintained historical significance for more than 25 years. From this perspective, it is necessary to clearly define the historical technological turning point. Therefore, the Citation must be expressed from that viewpoint.

The phrase "Fujitsu's Innovation" lacks clarity in highlighting the crucial point and insufficient. The key event was the commercialization in 1993 and, simultaneously, the practical application of the 21-inch Plasma TV at that time. The PDP industry was on the verge of collapse, having withdrawn from the personal computer display market due to pressure from color LCDs. At that critical moment, Fujitsu’s sudden commercialization of a color PDP shocked the industry, not only because of its introduction but also due to its remarkably simple structure. Shinoda’s team had developed the 21-in. type with the intention of mass-producing more than 40 in. types, so the simple structure was a natural consequence.

The commercialization of the 21-inch model revived Japan’s PDP industry, leading companies such as NEC, Pioneer, Mitsubishi, Hitachi, and Panasonic to enter the PDP-TV market. Additionally, in the United States, Plasmaco, encouraged by Shinoda, began developing a 21-inch color PDP. Panasonic, which had been developing DC-type color PDPs, acquired Plasmaco, which was working on AC-type technology, and subsequently entered the PDP-TV market.

In 1993, Shinoda’s team had already begun developing a 42-inch model, and three years later, in 1996, Fujitsu successfully commercialized it and built a mass production facility. Following this, NEC, Panasonic, Hitachi, and Pioneer also announced the mass production of large-screen TVs. Observing these industry movements, LCD manufacturers also entered the large-screen TV market in 2000.

In conclusion, the technical success—including both device and manufacturing technologies—and the commercial success of the 1993 development marked a turning point in the evolution of large-screen TVs, making it a true Milestone. These achievements were encapsulated in the 21-inch PDP-TV product. Therefore, it is more appropriate to focus on the product itself, emphasizing "The Success of this Product" to more clearly define the Milestone.

For these reasons, I propose the following Citation. “In 1993, Fujitsu commercialized the first practical color plasma television (Plasma-TV), a 21-inch model. Tsutae Shinoda led the development team and made crucial inventions, including surface discharge with a reflective three-electrode structure and Address-Display-Separation for full-color video. The success of this product stimulated further advances in large-screen flat panel displays, opening worldwide markets for large wall-mounted television sets.”

Sincerely, Proposers

Re: Proposer's comment on citation -- Bberg (talk) 14:25, 24 February 2025 (UTC)

I note that this update changed the words "Fujitsu’s innovations" to "The success of this product" in the last sentence. This seems very reasonable, and I appreciate being able to understand this important historical perspective.

Brian Berg

Re: Re: Proposer's comment on citation -- Kobai (talk) 19:52, 24 February 2025 (UTC)

Dear Berg san
  Thank you very much for your suport. I appreciate your understanding our explanation.

Reply for the comment at meeting -- Kobai (talk) 09:12, 26 February 2025 (UTC)

Dear Committee members Thank you for your comment (at the meeting). I heard the comment from the Advocate. I understood the comment to be "How the key patents applied to the practical product of the 21-type Plasma-TV ? ". We will address the points raised as follows. we changed the contens

 3.7.2 and 7.1.1 Key Patents and application to practical development.

Please find.

sincerely, Proposers

-- Dmichelson (talk) 10:09, 26 February 2025 (UTC)

Title of the proposed milestone:

Color Plasma Televisions (Plasma-TV), 1993

Plaque citation.

In 1993, Fujitsu commercialized the first practical color plasma television (Plasma-TV), a 21-inch model. Tsutae Shinoda led the development team and made crucial inventions, including surface discharge with a reflective three-electrode structure and Address-Display-Separation for full-color video. The success of this product stimulated further advances in large-screen flat panel displays, opening worldwide markets for large wall-mounted television sets.

[58 words]

The discussion that has led to the above revised citation has done an excellent job of clarifying the message. Well done!

One minor issue: Should "made crucial inventions" be "contributed crucial innovations"?

I fully endorse this proposal -- John Vardalas (talk) 20:29, 26 February 2025 (UTC)

This is a well prepared and detailed proposal. I support it.

Re: I fully endorse this proposal -- Kobai (talk) 20:38, 26 February 2025 (UTC)

Dear Dmichelson san and Dear Vardalas san

Thank you very much for your discussion and propose. However, as Tsutae Shinoda was a leader of the project and also the inventor for all three key patents, we would like to keep the sentence "made crucial inventions". Without both of his leading and inventions, the project was not completed successfully.

Re: Re: I fully endorse this proposal -- Bberg (talk) 20:50, 26 February 2025 (UTC)

Dear Kobai san,

I agree that "inventions" should not be changed, but the word "made" is not proper English. Instead, consider changing "made" to "developed".

Brian Berg

Re: Re: Re: I fully endorse this proposal -- Kobai (talk) 00:24, 27 February 2025 (UTC)
Dear Berg san
   Thank you very much for your agreement and comments. We will reflect it to the citation.

Sincerely Proposers

Re: I fully endorse this proposal -- Francesco Gerali (talk) 16:41, 27 February 2025 (UTC)

Norman, OK, February 27, 2025

I hereby express my endorsement to this proposal. I also agree and second the note of Dr. Berg: "I agree "inventions" should not be changed, but the word "made" is not proper English. Instead, consider changing "made" to "developed"."

Cordially Francesco

I fully endorse this proposal -- John Vardalas (talk) 18:28, 27 February 2025 (UTC)

This is a well prepared and detailed proposal. I support it.

Re: I fully endorse this proposal -- Jbart64 (talk) 18:50, 27 February 2025 (UTC)

I agree with the most recent edits and updates and fully support the proposal. Dave Bart

Re: Re: I fully endorse this proposal -- Kobai (talk) 00:40, 28 February 2025 (UTC)

Dear Gerali san
  Dear Vardalas san
  Dear Bert san

  Thank you very much for your endorsement and agreement.

   We appreciate your support.

Re: I fully endorse this proposal -- Coronath (talk) 00:57, 28 February 2025 (UTC)

Another wonderful documentation of the proposal and expert reviews. I concur with moving forward on this milestone proposal.