Action Item Follow-ups

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Code To whom assigned Item Description Deadline

03-2015-02 All Committee Members Make a personal contribution to one or more funds held by the IEEE Foundation to benefit the IEEE History Center (IEEE Canada Foundation and IEEE India Foundation also count) 12-2024 (recurs annually)
03-2024-03 All Committee Memebrs Volunteer to be Milestone Advocate 12-2024 (recurs annually)
01-2024-02 Michelson Oversee Committee relationship with HISTELCON 12-2024
03-2024-01 Berg Explore if ACM has a landmarks program 12-2024
06-2024-01 Colburn Submit approved Milestones to IEEE BoD for final approval 08-2024
06-2024-02 Colburn/ Michelson Schedule teleconference for early August 08-2024