Special:Badtitle/NS90:Milestone-Proposal talk:Introduction of the Apple II Computer: 1977-1978/Plaque Citation

From IEEE Milestones Wiki
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If the general audience of this plaque is not familiar with the specific technical merits of a milestone, it often is best to state the significance of the milestone up front.

For instance: The Apple II spurred software and hardware suppliers to help create the worldwide personal computing industry.

Was Apple II the first low cost computer? (debatable) Be careful when you use the phrase "the first" as its absolute historic accuracy is hard to prove. Now if it is the first that is fine, but other alternatives might be more accurate: "an early" "one of the first", etc. So we can either more narrowly define what the phrase "the first" applies to in the sentence or alter it.

The use of acronyms has proven sticky on milestones before. So unless we know that the reader knows the definitions of NTSC/RAM/ROM/BASIC then we must debate whether its inclusion adds to the citation enough to merit its undefined use. I would take a good look through the "list" portion of the citation and see if it could be amended to be more readable.